Home » Blog Basic MariaDB Install Playbook When you just want a simple install of MariaDB via Ansible January 1, 2022 - 2 min - Justin@Randoneering Table of Contents Getting Down to the Basics Before You Copy Pasta Getting Down to the Basics This will be an ongoing task and is in a private repo currently. However, I wanted to share the core of the playbook here. Check back periodically where I will make adjustments to include other best practices. Once I feel like this is in a solid state, I will open up the github repo for easy of use. Before You Copy Pasta Notice the variables-you will need to add your own vars file, inventory file, and your ansible.cfg file. This is not complete, but works in its current state. Feel free to use at your own discretion. - hosts: all become: true vars_files: - external vars file location #add your own var location tasks: - name: update repository index apt: update_cache: yes - name: install mariadb and related plugins apt: name: mariadb-server - name: create /data/database directory and mount file: path: /data/database state: directory owner: mysql - name: Adds Python3 apt: pkg="python3" state=present when: ansible_os_family =='Debian' - name: Adds Python2 apt: pkg="python2" state=present when: ansible_os_family =='Debian' - name: Install Python3-mysqldb apt: pkg="python3-mysqldb" state=present when: ansible_os_family =='Debian' - name: Change root user password on first run mysql_user: login_user=root login_password="{{ mysql_root_password }}" check_implicit_admin=yes name=root password={{ mysql_root_password }} priv=*.*:ALL,GRANT host="localhost" - name: delete anonymous MySQL server user mysql_user: login_user=root login_password='{{ mysql_root_password }}' check_implicit_admin=yes user="" host="localhost" state="absent" - name: remove the MySQL test database action: mysql_db login_user=root login_password="{{ mysql_root_password }}" db=test state=absent - name: Secures the MySQL root user for IPV6 localhost (::1) mysql_user: login_user=root login_password='{{ mysql_root_password }}' check_implicit_admin=yes user=root host="::1" no_log: yes - name: Secures the MySQL root user for IPV4 localhost ( mysql_user: login_user=root login_password='{{ mysql_root_password }}' check_implicit_admin=yes user=root host="" no_log: yes - name: Secures the MySQL root user for localhost domain (localhost) mysql_user: login_user=root login_password='{{ mysql_root_password }}' check_implicit_admin=yes user=root host="localhost" no_log: yes - name: Secures the MySQL root user for server_hostname domain mysql_user: login_user=root login_password='{{ mysql_root_password }}' check_implicit_admin=yes user=root host="{{ server_fqdn }}" no_log: yes - name: Create /var/log/mariadb directory file: path: /var/log/mariadb state: directory owner: mysql - name: Stop mariadb service ansible.builtin.service: name: mariadb state: stopped - name: Copy var/lib/mysql to /data/database ansible.builtin.copy: remote_src: yes src: /var/lib/mysql/ dest: /data/database/ owner: mysql group: mysql - name: Copy preconfigured config file for mariadb ansible.builtin.copy: src: location for template conf file dest: /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d owner: root group: root - name: Start mariadb service ansible.builtin.service: name: mariadb state: started