About Me

As the name may suggest, I have plenty of hobbies. Coming from a family of talented artists and craftsmen and women, I have always liked to tinker with everything. While my profession is in IT, that has not restricted me from using some of the skills (and hobbies) I picked up along the way. This blog, site, KB article archive is meant for me to document my way through my various hobbies. Chances are, someone else out there has had the same question or itch. Therefore, I hope I can create some sort of content that you can enjoy or, atleast, learn from.

This site’s theme was inspired by a few things:

  1. This Hugo theme
  2. My favorite theme for everything, Dracula
  3. Minimal flashy animations. I don’t need a headache trying to look through a website, neither do I want you to as well.

Privacy is also important to me, and therefore I will keep my family out of the picture. However, I am a proud father of three kids, a husband to an amazing wife, and a human trying to avoid negative energy.


  1. Music
  2. 3D Printing
  3. Homelab
  4. Carpentry
  5. Gardening
  6. Fishing
  7. Running
  8. Eletronic Repair
  9. Writing
  10. Reading (fantasy and science fiction..shocker)
  11. Collecting Stardew Valley stuff
  12. Video Games
  13. Anything space or science related
  14. Making/Crafting/Everything
  15. Meditation


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For long form questions or business inquiries, use email Email.